We Help You Break Into Investment Banks

Our mission is simple. We help you get a job in the finance and consulting industry.

Who We Are
We know how hard it is to break into investment banks or secure a good offer in the increasingly competitive market.

We know it as we have been there ourselves. Some facts about us: our GPA was less than 3.3 (one of us even below 3) when we received our first front office offer from J.P. Morgan. Because of our disadvantaged background, we managed to discover the secrets to getting top offers.

Together, we have worked in IBD, S&T, PB, TB and Strategy Consulting in Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, Boston Consulting Group, HSBC and Deutsche Bank.

And we decided to help others who struggle along the path and guide you the way with all the insider secrets.

It is never about your GPA, your school or even your past experience. It’s all about having the right mentor, the right execution roadmap and the right skills.
Our Past Experience
Specialized Industries
More Notable Facts
Offers Obtained by Our Students
Our Students are from These
Schools and Programs
Success Stories
Student C
Shortly after joining FS Coaching’s program in 2019 for 1.5 months, Student C successfully landed his offer at HSBC IBD for summer internship after 8 training sessions .
Student H
Student H failed to land any front office offer at bulge bracket banks in 2018. After FS training him, he finally received the offer from HSBC Private Banking Summer Analyst program despite GPA < 3.3.
Student J
Student J joined FS Coaching after failing all his superdays in last season, and he finally got MS Sales &Trading placement offer with ease after fixing his weak spots.

Claim Your FREE E-Book!

Top 9 Deadly Mistakes Made by Investment Banking Candidates (2021 version)

.Discover why your strategies fail to get you in investment banking
.Understand why some flawed opinions can fool everyone, including you
.Learn to focus your time on the right thing
.And more bonus content…

Career Hacking Scripts Masterclass

.The EXACT formula for our students winning multiple offers from interviews in 2019
.Learn the core methodologies at an economical price
.INSTANT boost of your performance from your within
.For those who want to get good at interviews, fast

Career Hackers Pro

.Our Flagship Program with direct personal mentorship from Felix and Skylar
.$0 fee upfront with Skin-in-the-Game Model
.Endless Support and Resources with Strong Emphasis on Execution
.For those who want to succeed at top level in all areas

Career Hacking Fundamental Series

.The COMPLETE banking guide for
freshman/sophomore students
.12-month structured masterclasses for pre-
application, interviews and post-interview strategies
.For beginners who want to strengthen banking foundation knowledge or learn what it takes to get the offer

If you want to master all types of interviews...

Regardless of whether you want to break into banking, consulting, big4 or MT programs, this is the course you cannot afford to miss.

Career Hacking Scripts Masterclass

We give you the Exact Formula for all the perfect model answers in interview questions.
You no longer need to worry about interviews anymore. You just need to remember the formulas and execute.

Click the button to embark on the journey of interview mastery!

If you are a total beginner who aspires to enter the banking industry…

After taking this course, "I don't know much about banking" will never your excuse for not applying and landing banking offers.

Career Hacking Fundamental Series

A 12-month masterclass program, where you will receive structured training and be adequately equipped for breaking into banking industry application, under the proven syllabus designed by Felix and Skylar.

If you are a total beginner, this is your best way to get started!

If you are someone who is determined to succeed at the highest level…

Career Hackers Pro

A long-term mentorship, where you will receive endless support and comprehensive technical materials, under the personal guidance of the Chief Career Hackers Felix and Skylar.

$0 upfront fee with Skin-in-the-game model that is purely result-driven.

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